Alchemy (Smarts)
To create magical potions, you need the Alchemy skill plus an Arcane Background. Those without Arcane Background but using the Alchemy skill can create non-magical concoctions only.
To create a magical potion:
Combine the necessary ingredients (Alchemy roll).
The more powerful the effect, the more rare the ingredients.
If the Alchemy roll fails the ingredients are wasted and the mixture cannot hold any magic.
On a critical failure anyone within a medium burst is burned, poisoned, or otherwise harmed for d6 × degree-of-failure† in damage. Alchemy is dangerous!
Cast the spell that will create the effect of drinking the potion (Spellcasting roll).
Target the spell inside of the mixture.
The alchemist that created the mixture and the mage who casts the spell can be different people.
Power Points are expended and regained by the mage normally.
The spent Power Points are not immediately discharged but held in stasis within the mixture.
Failing the Spellcasting roll has the same results as failing the Alchemy roll.
The potion will coalesce in 4 hours per Power Point spent.
After that, it will be ready for use.
It is unknown how long a potion will remain stable before its effects become unpredictable, but 1 year is usually safe.
Art (Spirit)
This skill is about creating works of fine art. It encompasses painting, calligraphy, flower arranging, and so forth.
For creating craft objects (for example, baskets or simple jewelry) use the Repair skill. For art history, use a Knowledge skill.
Some craft objects can be elevated to an art form (for example, fine pottery or a ceremonial weapon). Creating these types of objects require two skill rolls: a Repair roll for crafting the item and an Art roll for aesthetic value.
Language (Smarts)
Characters can speak and read a number of languages equal to ½ Smarts. This includes the character's native tongue. Thus, a d4 Smarts character knows his native language and one other.
To speak additional languages beyond the Smarts limit costs the same as buying a new skill at d4. The Smarts limit on languages goes up when Smarts does.
Note that language skills do not have associated die types. Once a language is acquired, use the Common Knowledge rules (EE:11) for using it.
Perform (Spirit)
This skill covers singing, acting, dancing, playing musical instruments, poetry, et al, but not oratory. For oratory and the like, use Persuasion. Although this isn't the Persuasion skill, it can also be used to influence NPCs' reaction or attitude.
Torture (Smarts)
This is the skill of causing intense pain without killing. It can be used to assist an interrogation by adding a bonus to a subsequent Persuasion or Intimidation roll, even if made by someone else. However, sloppy application of torture can accidentally kill a victim.
The player decides how much of a bonus he wants on the Persuasion or Intimidation roll, and subtracts a like amount from the Torture roll. If he fails the Torture roll, then the degree of failure† equals wounds inflicted. A critical failure usually means the death of the victim or something almost as inconvenient.
To apply this skill, the victim must be helpless. It takes 1 hour for each application of torture.